Super yummy churros and chocolate
Kayden LOVED being on her leash. The Italians tourists loved her in return, yelling "Bella, bella"
We had an awesome time exploring the city of Madrid. The buildings were immaculately clean and beautiful while fountains frequently dotted the roadside. Here are some musings from our journey....
-When going on a trip, it is important to NOT leave the camera memory card in the computer back at home...
-Traveling with a 1 year old is challenging. Taking her to a art museum, not a great idea.
-Traveling with a 1 year old is challenging. Taking her to a art museum, not a great idea.
-The older Spanish ladies with money all seem to look the same- lots of hairspray, makeup and puffy fur coats
-FEW people speak English in Madrid
-When ordering an unknown tapas platter, be prepared to have a plethera of fish and octopus tentacles
-Asian and Italian tourists loved Kayden and followed her with cameras. Quite entertaining.
-Elevator ettiquette is lacking in Spain big time. Belgium too. Make that all of Europe.
-The baristas in Spain make excellent caramel macchiotos at Starbucks
-With a giant language barrior, be prepared to get milk when asking for tea (leche vs te?) and not receive what was thought ordered
-Churros and hot chocolate are amazing. The chocolate was almost as thick as Hershey's syrup, making for a perfect dipping sauce.
-Playing in the park with a one year old can be the high light of a trip when you see the joy shines on their face when let out of the stroller!
-Castles are incredible, but people used to have way to much money to waste.
Food looks yummy. It will be such fun to visit a playground with Kayden one day. Inexpensive yet wonderful entertainment.
Sounds like such a great time. Kayden gets cuter and cuter. Can't wait to see her again. Miss you all!
Love it!!! Kayden is super cute and good on ya for getting out and traveling with a 1 year old. Not easy but a must! Hope you have some great trips before #2!
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